Next upcoming event: Brush up or deepen your knowledge in agile practices at the  Scrum Gathering Ghent on 6-7 June 2024
Next upcoming event: Brush up or deepen your knowledge in agile practices at the  Scrum Gathering Ghent on 6-7 June 2024
Next upcoming event: Brush up or deepen your knowledge in agile practices at the  Scrum Gathering Ghent on 6-7 June 2024
Next upcoming event: Brush up or deepen your knowledge in agile practices at the  Scrum Gathering Ghent on 6-7 June 2024
Joke Giving training




We are one of the world's leading experts in Agile training, coaching and transformation. How can we help you today?

Agile Training

I'm looking to train myself, my team or my organization.

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Agile Coaching

I'm looking for advice and guidance on how to improve myself and my organization.

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Agile Transformation

I want to assess maturity and measure progress in my Agile transformation.

Learn more

15+ years

experience leading agile transformations


happy customers


Agile coaches on staff


professionals certified in Scrum

These global companies trust our expertise

"Agilar was a key partner in our Agile transformation - their experience in scaling, organizational design, and change management was invaluable in helping us with the challenges of changing our organization and improving our agility."


Sergii Martyshko

Agile Transformation Lead EU, ABInBev

Benefits of Agilar Business Agility



Embracing Agile culture fosters creativity and innovation through experimentation, resulting in innovative ideas and solutions.



Agile's MVP and iterative development accelerate ROI by releasing high-quality products with early key features for market validation.



Agile fosters customer contact, empathy, and needs prediction for better products and higher Net Promoter Scores.



Agile empowers employees, fostering ownership, teamwork, and inclusivity, resulting in higher job satisfaction and improved morale.



Agile organizations prioritize continuous improvement through Retrospectives, ingrained in every team and delivery cycle.

Agilar senior leadership are global Agile practice experts

Consistently working on the forefront of Agile practices and business agility
Xavier Quesada Allué

Xavier Quesada Allué

Agilar Founder and Managing Partner CEC, CTC®, CST®

Xavier is an internationally recognized Agile expert, a Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum Trainer and Certified Enterprise Coach, an Agile Leadership Journey guide and the creator of the Vima method for business teams and personal productivity.

Tiago Garcez

Tiago Garcez

Agilar Managing Partner MBA, CST®

Tiago is an internationally recognized Agile expert in Scaling and Organizational Design, a Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum Trainer, and an Agile Leadership Journey guide.

Joke Vandemaele

Joke Vandemaele

Agilar Agile Practice Lead CST®, ICF PCC

Joke is an internationally recognized Agile expert, a "Top Women in Agile" award winner, a Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum Trainer and an ICF PCC coach.

Why should I choose Agilar as my partner for agile transformation?

Experience & Intellectual Property

Our unparalleled 15 years in the Agile consulting market have made us one of the most experienced "pure play" Agile consultancies in Europe. We have built a strong body of proprietary IP we share with our clients as part of our value proposition.

Broad Industry coverage

We have extensive experience in a broad range of vertical industries, such as FMCG, Finance, Telco, Manufacturing - we have been training and coaching prestigious organizations in Europe since 2011. We are also pioneers in taking agility beyond software into the business.

Pragmatism & Flexibility

Our hands-on consulting approach combines solid theory with practical advice and allows you to get real results quickly. We train, coach, consult and mentor. We work iteratively and incrementally. We build your internal capabilities and get out fast, and we are also able to reinforce your teams with long term engagements if necessary.

Smart risk & cost profile

We deliver consistent results at fair price points. Our coaching practice is one of the most effective in the industry, achieving results in 3x the timeframe of our competition.

Start improving your organization's performance today